• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Plumbing for Different Water Systems

UGANDA, Kampala | Real Muloodi News | Plumbing is essential when building your house. The water source in your area determines the kind of plumbing.

This article will explore different types of plumbing and options you may need to consider when choosing your specific plumbing type. 

Types of Plumbing – Learning from Experience:
Charles Byamugisha’s home 

Mr Byamugisha built his home in the middle of a hill. At the time (2001), the most reliable source of water upcountry was well shared by domestic animals. 

Mr Byamugisha explained that he was very particular about rainwater collection; hence, he ensured that all gutter positions on roofs directed water in one direction. 

Once he directed the rainwater to one place, he built a sizable water tank with a strong, stable foundation to collect and store the rainwater. 

However, a tank that size is expensive. It consumed more than 30 bags of cement in addition to bricks, plastering, etc. But, Mr Byamugisha can’t complain  because 20 years later, his home doesn’t run out of water!

Emmanuel Opio’s home in Kawanda

Mr Opio’s  house in Kawanda features two water plumbing systems: piped water from national water lines and water stored from the rain. The piped water requires plumbing built within the walls. Plumbing for rainwater requires a tank built underground.

“I want the underground water tank far from the house because I want my big compound free from any visible built structures to keep its beauty. It will serve as an emergency source of water should there be a need,” Opio explained.

Learn from Experts:

Expert Plumber: Patrick Mugerwa

When planning for a rainwater system, if you build your water tank underground, especially at the edge of a compound, ensure that the water pipes are buried underground and not held by metallic polls.

If you collect water from different roofs facing different directions, then the underground pipes should include manholes.  Mugerwa further explained that manholes are more efficient and more accessible for maintenance. 

Tanks can collect dust that settles at the bottom of the tank and tends to develop a weird smell, therefore drain all the water from the tank at least once or twice a year and clean the tank thoroughly. 

In addition, place a sieve at the end of the pipes that collect water from the roof gutters to trap dust. This method allows easy removal of dirt and grime without it falling into the tank. 

Expert Plumber: Gerald Kalimba

Gerald Kalimba says one should avoid having different water sources sharing the same plumbing systems: National water system has untreated water pumped from underground sources.

If you have two water systems, use different pipes and different storage facilities.

The expert recommends raised underground rainwater storage tanks because they are easier to clean and monitor

Finally, if national water doesn’t reach you, you will need to use random polypropylene pipes for a more robust plumbing system on top of your wall. 

If your area does have national water, build the pipes in your house walls for added safety and beautification.

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