• Mon. Mar 24th, 2025

New Cities: Services and Fair Taxes for Property Owners

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  • New Cities: Services and Fair Taxes for Property Owners
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Real Muloodi News Network is educating and advocating for the rights of property taxpayers to quality public services, while stressing fairness, equity, reciprocity, and accountability from the Local Government in the collection and administration of property rates.

In early 2022, local governments in Uganda’s 10 newest cities embarked on a property valuation exercise for the purposes of property rates (commonly referred to as property tax). 

Property valuations are taking place in Mbarara, Hoima, Fort Portal, Gulu, Jinja, Mbale, Masaka, Lira, Soroti and Arua, supported by the Domestic Revenue Mobilisation for Development (DRM4D) project, sponsored by USAID in Uganda.

The valuation is aimed at recording all old and new commercial properties in the cities, which will be taxed for the next five years.

Our main objective is to advocate for services and fair tax for property owners, by increasing transparency related to the property valuation process, to the revenue collection process, and how revenues are spent in the local community.

Local leaders must be accountable for ensuring revenue collection is fair, equitable and reciprocal if they expect property owners to be compliant in paying their taxes.

Why is this Important for Property Owners?

In Uganda, a number of taxes apply to real estate and the ownership, occupation or development of land and buildings. Such taxes include; property rates, stamp duty (transfer fees), capital gains tax, and income tax on rental income.

Stamp duty, capital gains tax and rental income tax are taxes collected by the Uganda Revenue Authority. The revenue from these taxes contribute to funding the national budget.

However, property rates (property tax) is a levy collected by local governments. The revenue from property rates contribute to spending on services at the local level.

Local services include things like city planning and management, road construction and maintenance, street lights, sanitation and garbage collection, antimalarial drugs and clean water… services that are important to the entire local community, including property owners.

Local services impact the quality of life and health of all residents. Local services also impact property values; property values tend to be higher in cities that are well planned and maintained and have access to services, and lower in cities that are lacking these qualities.

Therefore, Real Muloodi Property Network is advocating for services and fair tax for property owners in these new Ugandan cities.

Property Valuations

Here is everything you need to know about the property valuation process, and your rights and obligations as a property owner...

Have Your Say

Are you are resident in one of Uganda's 10 new cities? Have your say about the services you receive and how your tax dollars are spent...

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We answer all of your questions about property rates, who has to pay it, what happens if you don't pay, and more...

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