• Tue. Apr 1st, 2025

UGANDA, West Nile | Real Muloodi News | On 1st September 2021, legislators had a meeting with Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) officials led by Allen Kagina, Executive Director (UNRA), about the ongoing road work in the West Nile region. In the meeting, the legislators asked Kagina to outline roads that UNRA plans to construct in the financial year and start the work.

During the meeting, Members of Parliament from the West Nile sub-region, led by Jackson Atim of Arua City Central Division, criticised the road infrastructure in the Arua region. Mr Atim explained that he recently travelled from Arua to reach Nebbi, and almost overturned the car.

Atim called for immediate attention claiming that: “Because of this road, many lives have been lost. People have died on this road from Karuma to Arua. Vehicles have broken down, health emergencies have been affected, ambulances have broken down as they transport patients from regional referral hospitals to national referral hospitals.”

Atim outlined roads which he said were a pledge made by President Museveni and should therefore be worked on. They include;

  • Koboko – Yumbe – Moyo up to Laropi,
  • Mambe – Terego – up to Yumbe,
  • Atiak – Pakell up to Adjumani,
  • Nebbi – Goli – Paidha – Zombo – Zeu up to Vurah,
  • Panyimur – Parombo – Erush up to Goli and
  • Panyimur – Wadelayi up to Rhino Camp.

Mr Atim also applauded UNRA for their work in linking Uganda. However, much work still needs to be done. Geoffrey Feta, the Ayivu East MP, highlighted the roads that need attention: Karuma – Arua road, Pakwach – Nebbi to Arua.

The MP for West Moyo, Alero Tom, said they feel abandoned by the government and demand more allocation of the national road budget. 

The West Nile region hosts so many refugees and has transit roads to South Sudan and DRC; hence, they demand increased road connections in the region.

In response, Allen Kagina, Executive Director for UNRA, said they had submitted a work plan of all roads across the country; however, with Covid-19, delays have been inevitable.

She also explained that due to the pandemic, they are in debt, owning USh 87 billion to contractors. However, she promises to work with the Ministry of Finance to overcome this challenge.

The director of Road Maintenance at UNRA, Engineer Joseph Otim, presented that by the end of the financial year 2021/2022, a total of 910km will have undergone repair and upgrade works.

These include Arua – Nebbi (76 km), Nebbi – Pakwach (54.3 km), Manibe – Koboko (50 km), among others. He further requested that the government supports them in this endeavour.

The planned projects in the region as per the National Development III include;

  • Koboko – Yumbe – Moyo road,
  • Laropi – Moyo – Afoji,
  • Laropi bridge upgrading of Manibe – Yumbe road,
  • Nebbi – Goli – Paidha – Zombo – Vurra road,
  • Panyimur – Pakwach – Rhino Camp – Obongi – Laropi road,
  • Adjumani – Obongi – Kulikulinga road,
  • Panyimur – Parombo – Erusi – Goli road, and
  • Nebbi – Goli – Mahagi – Bunia road.

Finally, during the meeting on Wednesday, UNRA decided to hold another meeting under the auspices of the Office of the Prime Minister. Scheduled participants include the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and Ministry of Works and Transport. They plan to further discuss the issues highlighted in this meeting.


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