What Kind of House Can you Build with USh50M?
Dennis Juuko, a real estate agent with ample experience in construction, told the Daily Monitor that USh50M could build you…
Why Are Commercial Banks in Uganda Offering Reduced Interest Rates?
Commercial banks in Uganda are offering reduced interest rates on loans to entice business and salaried customers, according to the…
When is the Right Time to Buy or Build Your First Home?
UGANDA, Kampala | Real Muloodi News | Some individuals choose not to marry until after they have purchased a home.…
UPDF Soldiers Ordered Off Disputed Land in Nwoya by State House
The Daily Monitor reported that State House Directorate of Lands officials ordered Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) soldiers off contested…
KCCA Progress on KIIDP2
The World Bank and the Ugandan Government are investing US$183.7 million in a project titled “The Second Kampala Institutional and…
Kawolo General Hospital Land in Dispute: Family vs Mehta Group of Companies
The family of late Banalaba Owekiso, in Lugazi Municipality, Buikwe District, is claiming ownership of a piece of land housing…
Uganda’s Debt: Concerns Raised About Loans
Uganda’s debt is skyrocketing. Per the Ministry of Finance, Uganda’s public debt increased from $12.55b in June 2019, to $15.27b…
UBOS: Kampala Rental Prices Rise Q2 2020/2021
During a press release, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) reported a rise in residential rental prices in Greater Kampala.…
Investigation: Irregularities in Land Compensation, MPs to Visit Land
As part of an investigation into irregularities in land compensation, surveyors from the Ministry of Lands and Members of Parliament…
Kyambogo University Land Dispute Takes New Twist
UGNADA, Kyambogo | Real Muloodi News | The Kyambogo University land dispute took a new twist after Uganda Land Commission…